The D.A. was thrown UNDER the BUS here, and, they're not, exactly, "victims" either, they'd NOT done their jobs properly, that's why, the office had been, thrown, UNDER the B-U-S here!  Off of the Front Page Sections, translated…

The 25-year-old African American male, Arbery went out jogging, was chased down by three white men driving pickups, gunned down, the three defendants are all charged with murder on the twenty-fourth.  The Washington Post analyzed, that this case was shocking enough for the local residents in the state, but the district attorneys, for seventy-four days after the brutal murder, hadn't charged the suspects yet, which puts the D.A.s office under the microscope too, the D.A.s office was indicted by the grand jury, which was, extremely, rare.

Washington Post pointed out, that the powers, the roles of the district attorney's offices played in these cases, how they should weigh and measure, maintain balance, already struck up the debates.

As the activist groups, the congresspersons, along with attorneys, working together, to push forth the reforms of the district attorney's department in Georgia, the jurors of the Arbery case began agreeing; and yet, a district attorney ruled the firing of the gun as legal from before.

On February 23rd of last year, Arbery went out jogging locally, and was pursued by Gregory McMichael, and Travis McMichael on their truck, and gunned down; later the neighbor of McMichael, Bryan also joined in the pursue, and captured the footages fo the father son, shooting down Arbery.

After Arbery was murdered, the residents of Georgia demanded the state government set up an investigation committee, to find if the district attorney's offices had done their jobs; the attorney association of Georgia is supportive of amending the law, to allow the supervisors to revoke the license to practice law of the district attorneys who don't follow the moral standards, to not just give them slaps on the wrists.

Jackie Jackson, the Georgia district attorney assigned to the case had been indicted this October.

Cunningham, the professor of law at Georgia State pointed out, that the shocking details of how Arbery was murdered heightened the sense of awareness of the public, and it'd made them think, that if there's an immoral district attorney, what would, happen.

Cunningham stated, that unless there's a fuller evaluation system for the D.A.'s office, otherwise, the people's faith in the district attorney's offices are already, in crisis.

The reports mentioned, that the district attorney of the Arbery case coming under the bus is quite rare; because district attorneys around the nation rarely gets reprimanded, and, can easily get voted again as the incumbents.

And so this case brought out public awareness, how we the people can affect changes in the systems, because this particular district attorney didn't do her/his job completely, that's why the suspects weren't arrested right away, and that made the public angry, and, to soothe the general public, the state government FIRED the district attorneys of the case, but this is still just, scapegoating, because, you're only, treating the symptoms here, NOT the illnesses still.

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