This blog is about 20 best lines or quotes from this amazing book called "Rich Dad Poor Dad" by "Robert Kiyosaki". This is a super amazing book. This is one of those book which finically literate you in a superbly amazing way. In this book "Robert Kiyosaki" has very neatly differentiated between how "Rich People" think about money and how "Poor People" think about money.

This book is must read for anyone who want to achieve financial freedom. The most amazing part of the book is "how to differentiate between assets and liabilities". And after reading this book you will also reconsider things you now consider as assets and it will help you to actually create assets and be financially free and who don't want financial freedom. For now enjoy some best lines from this book and motivate yourself to buy this book.

Let's start,

There is gold everywhere, most people are not trained to see it.

Chapter 8: Get Started, Page No = 279

Choice is the main reason people want to live in a free country. We want the power to choose.

Chapter 8: Get Started, Page No = 282

Invest first in education. In reality, the only asset you have is your mind, the most powerful tool we have domination over.

Chapter 8: Get Started, Page No = 283

One of the hardest thing in wealth building is to be true to yourself and to be willing to not go along with the crowd.

Chapter 8: Get Started, Page No = 286

Wise investors buy an investment when it is not popular. They know their profits are made when they buy, not when they sell.

Chapter 8: Get Started, Page No = 287

In today's fast changing world, it's not so much what you know anymore that counts, because often what you know is old. It is how fast you learn. That skill is priceless.

Chapter 8: Get Started, Page No = 289

If you cannot control yourself, don't try to get rich. it make no sense to invest, make money and blow it.

Chapter 8: Get Started, Page No = 289

People who have low self-esteem and low tolerance for financial pressure can never be rich.

Chapter 8: Get Started, Page No = 290

The sophisticated investor's first question is: "How fast do I get my money back?"

Chapter 8: Get Started, Page No = 298

To be the master of money, you need to be smarter than it.

Chapter 8: Get Started, Page No = 303

When it comes to investing, too many people make it sound hard. Instead, find heroes who make it look easy.

Chapter 8: Get Started, Page No = 304

Financially, with every dollar we get in our hands, we hold the power to choose our future: to be rich, poor, or middle class.

Chapter 8: Get Started, Page No = 320

Ninety percent of the population buys TV sets, and only about 10 percent buy business books.

Chapter 8: Get Started, Page No = 320

People who lack internal fortitude often become victims of those who have self-discipline.

Chapter 8: Get Started, Page No = 321

Without financial training, we all too often use the standard formulas to get through life: Work hard, save, borrow, and pay excessive taxes.

Chapter: Final thoughts, Page No = 337

In the world of accounting, there are three different types of income: 1) Ordinary earned 2) Portfolio 3) Passive.

Chapter: Final thoughts, Page No = 340

The key to financial freedom and great wealth is a person's ability to convert earned income into passive and/or portfolio income.

Chapter: Final thoughts, Page No = 342

If you want to be rich you must know what kind of income to work hard for, how to keep it, and how to protect it from loss

Chapter: Final thoughts, Page No = 344

Ordinary money is money you work for, and passive and portfolio income is money working for you

Chapter: Final thoughts, Page No = 344

All of you were given two great gifts: your mind and your time. It is up to you to do what you please with body.

Chapter: Final thoughts, Page No = 345

This book is super amazing all the lines mentioned above are from last few pages only. and this is also the last part of this series. I am going to make more of this blog. I post my "Best Lines" blog every Monday 9 am. So stay tuned for another one.

Do check earlier parts of Rich Dad Poor Dad series: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4

Have a Great Day

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