You are a walking contradiction and it all makes sense.

You are restrictive yet liberating

You are hot tailed cold feet

It's through the eyes you truly meet

You like to sweep the ladies off their feet


It's a trifold penetration and you know it so do they.

It's one of those things, I just must say.... Genius.


You are a walking contradiction and it all makes sense.


You go from uncertainty to fact faster that light travels

and your travels encompass an existential movement. Fly with me.


We talk for what seems like forever but it's never long enough.

You are gentle to the spirit and rough to the touch.


You are a walking contradiction and it all makes sense.


All of it frightens me internally but I'm not afraid to hear your stories and know your truth. I want to hear more.


You lack empathy yet feel deeper than anyone I've known.

Your existential movement has grown

and your interest in other worldly is shown, in you.


It's in you I can see the potential within me

and I want to release the beast. Let her free.

Give me the capacity to see.


You are a walking contradiction and it all makes sense.

Written for my friend Puff the Magic Dragon

You are galactic, sporadic, emphatic, nomadic and always dramatic