Today the day was not really bad. I didn't got much time for development but each and every issue that came today and which were pending from yesterday all issues got solved. Also completed a small meeting about new task and going to complete that task as soon as possible. At least for this task I am not going to loosen up things and I am going to make it quick and effective.

Also I am writing this blog on my phone because my laptop is at my sister's place and it's too late to call her and get my laptop back. I really need to make a habit to check if my laptop is at my sister's place or not. Just kidding.

One more good thing about today is that I received book which I ordered some days back and going to read it from today only. As my previous read is not that engaging so going start reading this one. This book is very different from books that I usually read. This book is inclined towards religion. The book name is "The Prophet Of Peace". Author is "Maulana Wahiduddin Khan". He is found of "Center For Peace And Spirituality". Let's see how this book makes me peaceful.

So today's learning: "Things change and sometimes drastically. Just be prepared with whatever you have."

Have a Great Day

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