
Yesterday was a magical day and it was supposed to be fun. And even though I poured the melted candle through a key hole the day wasn't all that great due to the news that my schedule has been emptied from all the two weeks work I was booked on. I was in that school for just one day and it was a introduction kind of day for me because the teacher would change jobs and I was supposed to be there until the new teacher arrives before Christmas. But nah... they cancelled now. When I was already all set to work. And I even need to go back to that school tommorow because they gave me the chip to open the door to school. And it needs to be returned otherwise its the same as stealing.

I was so disappointed, immediately after I got a migrane and then I had to skip german class and not even the good news of me passing the Challenge driven Innovation with Design Thinking course made it go away. I ate some omega3 pills and had some spicy noodles but instead of the headache to pass I made my ears to hurt instead.

My body becomes so weird whenever I take tensions. And everything makes me to miss Ahad even more. Christmas is about to come and I don't feel so great. I go through some ups and downs in my mood. But despite the headache, pain and dissatisfaction I need to work so I booked myself for work somewhere else. At least for a moment. Something is better than nothing. I will probably rest today as the headache did not pass and my stomach does not feel so great. But once I feel better I will work, work, work...

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