Alexis stared at her reflection in the mirror with bloodshot eyes. She rubs at them but the more she rubbed the puffier they got. Alexis splashed her face with cold water and patted it dry.

When they returned from Lily's house Brian and her got into a huge argument. Brian was, once again, making Lily out to be an angel and Alexis in the wrong. He even used her supposed illness as an excuse.

"Alexis, she wasn't feeling well. I'm sure she didn't mean what she said."

"Has she been sick our entire marriage Brian? That woman has never liked me! I don't understand why you keep making excuses for her," Alexis yelled flustered. She could feel the rage pumping through her veins. It was setting her body on fire.

"But you didn't have to respond. Just ignore her."

"Oh, you mean like you do?," Alexis snapped.


"Ignore her like the way you did when she constantly disrespected me?"

"Alexis," Brian said a little louder as he squeezed the bridge of his nose.

"Or ignore me when I ask you to talk to your mother. Did you ever even do that?" Alexis was ranting, she knew, but she was so mad everything was just spilling out.

"Do you really think I lied to you about talking to her?"

"Clearly! If you can't stand up for me when the occasion calls for it then I'm sure you didn't when I asked you to. I don't care anymore she is a vine and cruel woman and I want nothing to-"

"Stop it!," Brian yelled cutting off Alexis mid sentence. "You will not sit here and disrespect her like this."

Alexis took a step back, staggering a bit. Where was all of this passion when Lily got out of line? When Alexis needed him to be strong and forceful for her? Alexis was mad and she no longer trusted him to be on her side when she needed him.

It wasn't until she heard him slam the front door that Alexis realized she said it out loud.

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