Gov. Ron DeSantis rolled out a major endorsement Friday signaling first responders are on board with his reelection.

"We proudly endorse Governor Ron DeSantis for re-election," said Florida Police Benevolent Association President John Kazanjian.

"He insists that the men and women of law enforcement and corrections be treated with the utmost respect. His 'Law and Order' agenda continues to support and defend the citizens of our state amid the vicious attacks against the law enforcement community by the radical segments of our society. We know that he will protect law enforcement officers from the threat of the 'Defund the Police' movement, while also creating an environment that recruits and retains the best and brightest sworn law enforcement officers our country has to offer. We have his back and we know he has ours," Kazanjian added.

Indeed, the Governor has shown law enforcement he supports them without reservation.

"Every day, members of law enforcement say goodbye to their families and walk out the door knowing there's no guarantee they'll make it home," DeSantis said. "From day one of my administration, I promised to always Back the Blue and I'm proud to stand shoulder to shoulder with Florida's law enforcement."

"Unlike many of the liberal cities and states across America that shame police, we've created an environment in Florida that supports the women and men who keep our communities safe. From $1,000 bonus checks to banning sanctuary cities and signing the strongest anti-rioting legislation in the country, I have been a fierce advocate for Florida's police officers. I will continue to stand up for the men and women who risk their lives daily keeping Floridians safe."

Though it may seem like DeSantis has always enjoyed the unreserved backing of law enforcement, that was not the case in the 2018 Primary.

Sheriffs, for example, overwhelmingly backed Agriculture Commissioner Adam Putnam over DeSantis. The PBA itself issued a co-endorsement of Putnam and Democrat Gwen Graham in the 2018 Primaries as part of a bipartisan slate of endorsements in statewide races.

"We're looking for calm," said the group's executive director at the time.

The sea change came in the General Election that pitted DeSantis against former Tallahassee Mayor Andrew Gillum, who was painted as anti-police. DeSantis embraced the contrast on his way to victory, garnering endorsements from many of the same police professionals who backed Putnam earlier in the year.