Sunday mornings in November are going to pop with fascinating Forums that will stimulate, inspire and uplift. Check out the line up, starting the Sunday after All Saints Sunday, and save the dates on your calendar now!

November 14
Celebrating Juliana Serrano

Juliana Serrano returns to All Saints so we can celebrate her decade of service as Senior Associate for Peace and Justice and Director of the Office of Creative Connections. She will update us on the work she has been doing at Planned Parenthood as well as the Police Civilian Oversight Board … and we will reminisce, celebrate and give her the send-off we weren't able to do in July!

November 21
Racial Justice at All Saints Church

The ASC vestry has recognized dismantling white supremacy and becoming actively anti-racist as "this generation's work of the church" … and to that end the vestry and program staff is spending the year in intensive anti-racism training with the California Conference on Equality and Justice ( Daniel Solis, CCEJ associate executive director and leader of the team training ASC leadership, will join us along with the wardens and members of the ASC Racial Justice Advisory Board to talk about the work we are doing, put it in the context of ASC's racial justice resolution, and talk about the role of the congregation.

November 28
Artists, Art and the Pandemic

An amazing panel of artists – Amy Brenneman, Reena Esmail, Vijay Gupta, Mike Hernandez, Andre Henry, and Jenny Wong join us to share their experience of the pandemic – creatively, economically, spiritually -- and also the role of the arts as we emerge from pandemic in terms of interpreting the experience, healing from the experience and creating a new world.

Join us in person in the Forum or live online for any or all of these great offerings, on Sundays from 10:15-11:15 a.m. at