Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

My mother-in-law has left the house so now my happiness is overflowing! I know that I complain alot on this blog so I wanted to take a time-out and make this post super-positive for a change and focus on the many things in my life that I am thankful for....

1. I survived another Thanksgiving with the mother-in-law putting me down the entire time for everything I do. But I'm thankful now that she has left! I want to celebrate and PARTY! GOODBYE Felicia!

2. My daughter is feeling much better now and is pretty much back to her normal self! We had appts with 2 specialists earlier this week, and 1 more appt next week! Still no answers, but I'm amassing an army of specialists to call upon should she fall ill like this again.

3. My Christmas tree is UP and decorated and I didn't lift a single finger! The price of admission for being my guest at Thanksgiving is to work on my tree instead since I provided the holiday meal.

4. My 8 month old cat is surprisingly behaving himself with this Christmas tree! I thought he would have torn it up by now (as he does with everything else), but nope. He's decidedly been thoroughly ignoring it. Awesome!

5. And finally, I'm also thankful for my friends here. I do consider you all my friends. I can tell you things that I don't tell people in my real-life. And you've been incredibly supportive to me too. I don't expect this sort of support from people in my real-life, which makes you all so much more valuable to me. Thank you!

I wish you all a lovely Thanksgiving and I hope the rest of your holiday season is blessed and cheerful.