Call it, shelter, or, dumpster!

There's this home, of the broken dolls, where, all those dolls that got torn apart (made of cloth), shattered (made of porcelain), go to, die.

Home of the broken dolls, that, is where you belong, you'd been, broken, and I do NOT want you around me, not, go on, GET!  Home of the broken dolls, how cruel those young children are, just, cast us all away, tossed us all away, like we don't matter, but we had, we were, once, important, significant others in their young lives, it's just, that they'd, outgrown all of us, and we became, unwanted, TRASH!

where ALL those broken toys go and, D-I-E!

photo from online

Home of the broken dolls, that, is where you'll be, you got broken by my childhood, and it still, wasn't my fault, that I couldn't, save you, I was, too little, too scared myself, I had to, duck for cover, when the storms came, and, you got struck by thunder AND lightning, 'cuz I forgot, to take you with me into hiding…

I'm sorry, doll, I really am, but now you're, broken, I have, NO need for you, and you still can't blame me, for tossing you out, you want someone to blame?  BLAME yourself, for being, MADE from, such, fragile, material…………

In this home of broken dolls, all dolls lay waiting, to D-I-E, they're all, unwanted, disowned, by their, children.

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