A Medium is like a radio constantly tuning in to the waves that surround it.

Not all mediums can see the senders of the messages, and in fact, most mediums are not the visual type. Therefore, interpreting the sender's intentions without observation is challenging, especially without practice and the necessary guidance of someone experienced.

It is essential to understand what kind of Mediums exist.

The primary classification of mediumship is:

1. Pictographic mediumship

This is a special type of mediumship. Through the observation of an image, the medium receives a message related memories, present moments, or future happenings. In this class, the Medium cannot hear or see the sender, even when next to them. The Medium needs a trigger (an old photo, for example) to make the connection. The exciting thing about pictographs is that ,although it is rare to establish connections, when one occurs it is perfectly attuned, allowing the mediums to access the most vivid memories of others.

2. Clairvoyance

Another well-known type of mediumship is clairvoyance. Through the vision of a person, or situation from the past, or present, but never the future, situations may be clarified, and truths will be revealed, living no questions unanswered.
The sender of the message can connect with Medium mentally, showing what they want to reveal via visions or dreams.

3. Clairaudience

Perhaps one of the most well known forms of Mediumship, which allows the medium to hear messages transmitted by voices. These mediums are the most sensitive, even without going into a trance in any daily situation. They can listen to something or someone whispering answers or directions to follow directly in their ears.

4. The Psychophony

It is in which the Medium receives the messages and transmits them instantly through voice. Most of the time, the Medium adopts a voice that is not their own and is attributed to another entity or spirit. It is common for female voices to express themselves through a male body and vice versa, completely altering the vocal cords. In a way, it is similar to possession, although that depends on what type of being is involved with the conversation. Whether it is dangerous or not, Mediums are most vulnerable to demonic possession, or the subjection of stubborn souls to their own energy. They have a lower life expectancy than all the rest of the classes.

5. Psychography

It is when a Medium can write messages that stem from another entity, even in other languages. Many messages bypass the Medium and flow directly to their hands. The Medium begins to write what a particular spirit or entity wishes to convey.

6. Visual mediumship

This class is the most used in movies and series, but it is the least common. Being able to see entities is something very unusual in Mediums. Even those capable of seeing entities usually are not capable of seeing concrete forms. The most reported by thor Medium of this class is that they see figures of light or shadow that typically lack a face. Usually, those with this visual gift have the auditory one too. Still, it is not necessarily something that cannot be given alone.

7. Full mediumship

It is when a Medium possesses all the previous faculties or a large part of them. These people are destined to work for the good and development of all humanity. It is a huge responsibility and requires a significant and highly advanced spiritual development and balance to deal with this kind of ability.


Guides are necessary for all kinds of Mediums. They can be both physical persons and beings of superior capacities willing to accompany and teach in the understanding process.

A medium (or a person with developed sensitive capacities) is an easy target for possessions or to be used through deception. A guide serves to correctly channel skills, learn techniques that can only be transferred from show to apprentice, and adequately control skills.

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