One of the biggest ways I show my love as an enneagram four is making things for those around me that I love, even those that I have yet to meet here in person like baby bumpkin due any day now. I know she has a strong personality and a lot of strength... and I love her so much already. In and around those moments where I have spurts of energy I have been slowly putting together our youngest and soon to be here little girl's rooms. Our toddler/almost preschooler is getting her much desired princess room with purple accents which I cannot wait to share with you in another blog. And the littlest one is getting the llama room made just for her. There have been many nights painting, sewing, and putting things together to make all their little dreams come true! And first I will share a few of the projects that we have put together for the newest additions space. Some of these are my projects alone, some of these are projects put together with loved ones and some of these are just little blessings from the other creative individuals around me. We have so much to be thankful for as we prepare for this new addition.


I nearly died when I finished this. It took a lot less time than I thought it would but before I could get started on the painting itself the frame needed a color adjustment. It had been sitting in out closet for quite some time just waiting to be turned into something on our walls. The cream color of the frame didn't quite fit in with the white of the door frames, other picture frames, dresser and such in the little ones room. That took a special kind of brush because there was a lot of little nooks and crannies in the frames intricate design.

Next was a little time spent surfing the internet deciding what my llama was going to look like... I wasn't really into the llamas with sunglasses and just wanted the face of the llama... I think had I gone for the whole body things would have gone horribly wrong. So a head with a crown of flowers, semi-standard for many llama profiles it turned out perfect. I have loads of acrylic paint that I watered down to get a water paint effect. And for the matting, I used some stunning scrapbook paper that I got several years ago. Overall, I think it turned out pretty darn good!

Crib Skirt

It's been a long while since I sat down at my sewing machine and the truth is... my sewing machine is in a terrible state. There is something going on with the calibration so I have to finagle it multiple times before it typically sews a nice straight line without all the extra baggage of thread on the backside and there is also this thing that holds the bobbin holder in place that has been put together by me to keep it working because the last place we lived I couldn't find a decent repair shop. Plus, I am holding out for a new one... someday.

Anyways, we have this old crib. It belonged to a friend of ours for her kids eons ago. I don't need "code" judgment from anyone - it is older than the recommended by professionals but it does meet all the current measurement requirements. We used it with our last child without any issues and anticipate the same thing happening with this one. Plus the first few months are spent in our room in a comfy pack-n-play til she gets a bit bigger.

Either way, there is a little bit of space down below it where I used to store some of the bigger sized clothes for our first child, this time I was thinking about storing some of the diaper boxes below and wipes boxes but I want it to look appealing without seeing all those boxes with random baby faces on them. I got some measurements and decided to make a thing: crib skirt that matches the cute little room.

I got some very thick fabric from my gram's house. She is the one who inspired me originally when it came to sewing. She could turn almost nothing into something... I am still working on learning how to do that. And someone previously had given me all this cute little lace which I had no idea what I was going to use for... so many colors! It took a little bit a brain power and I'll admit I had to use the seam ripper to get things just right but I AM SO EXCITED with how it turned out.


You ever been dumpster diving? It is a past-time that my grams and I really enjoyed after the college students would move out at the end of the school year at a relatively affluent school down the road from the farm. I used to find all kinds of things but furniture was one of the fun things. I would always get a little something and redo it to my liking or to the liking of someone else. And last year was no exception. Grandma went out and found a dresser for our little babe's room until we move around some things... and it is kind of rough around the edges so my family took some time and made it personalized for our little person's room.

First was a cleaning which my cousin took on that task... it was out in my grams garage for a little while so it was not a piece of cake. Then my cousin and I repainted the drawers white on the inside and out. It needed a fresh coat. The only downside to this find is that it has really stingy/sticky drawers that are very particular about where they want to be in the overall frame. My aunt and cousin painted a drawer each and I just love the added touch of family to this piece! Little llamas, cactus', mountains to inspire adventure, and just some fun geometric shapes... it really pulled the room together.

Crocheted Blanket

Each of my babies has one. I make them for my littles. Both were made out of purples and pinks. I made one for my first niece and am in the process of making a few others as we have found out my brother-in-law and his wife are expecting a new addition (found out the other night... it's the first little boy in our family!). But I do love to make special little things for the tiny people in my life. It brings so much joy and feeds my soul as an enneagram four which is why here soon, we will be launching the sister-site to enneagrow and I am looking forward to sharing with you all of our creations which also will be available for personalization and purchase 😀 But here is our newest little beans blankie.

Love from my Aunt & Cousin

She is one of the most creative people I have met. There is rarely not a project in her purse or near by where she is sitting. I believe she has passed this down to her daughter and a little bit to me, as well. But here are just a few of the things that were made with so much love for our little girl!

Somedays, I think of my cousin as more of the sister I got lucky enough to choose and I am grateful for how we have bonded and grown closer over the years. She is one of my favorite people and there is no doubt in my mind that she loves my littles like her own and she shows that in her labors of love but also the quality time that she spends with them... Here is one thing that she made for our newest little for some photos in the hospital. Yes we do like Star Wars 😉

So much love. So much to look forward to. Hoping soon to meet our little one!

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