Hi friends family I got behind a little about my scary event this year that I faced. Some how I had migraines shortly before my husband 50 th birthday and we couldn't celebrate I was super sick 🤕. We couldn't figure why I had them every single say for a month and half !!!! I was terribly sick so my nurse says if you have another one we need to go to the Er and get labs done and exray done !!! Then I was seen by her the next follow up appointment!"

They had said I had 14 extra fluid on my heart and lungs ! I was so sick I could barely. Walk to the bathroom and or get my water in take I was probably dehydrated as well!!!

The Er night was very stressful and busy I had to wait hours until they got my iv out and my oxygen was running low on my tank !!! Hubby couldn't go back there to sit with me so my anxiety was very very high !

When you feel like your drowning

Well I was sick I ordered a lot of fast food because I did not have energy or feeling like cooking when you have migraines all you wanted to do was sleep and eat something so they gave me double lasics I had miss Carol over taking care of me & momma I slept most of the time and I forgotten to take some meds and I was hot mess super exhausted and sick

So my migraines was a variety of causes !!!

Miss Carol is a sweet lady I hired from church family she is a god send she helps me with momma and house cleaning now some cooking 🧑‍🍳. The cardiologist says we need to take a load off you your doing way too much I'm not focusing on me"

Miss Carol & her husband JIM !💕

In March She will be with us. A whole year in March !!!!

Good news is I did get the fluid off by everyone's prayers & support!!! By double lasics !!!

My second follow up my cardiologist was very much happy

Ask your cardiologist what your fluid and ideal weight should be and how much sodium your aloud time have !! Mine is 2000 mg sodium daily intake I even manage it less as possible !!!

Love this scripture it's perfect 🤩

In my walk with God I really had to say Lord I'm so sick please Cary me through this I can't do this on my own with out you !!! Every time I had a migraine headache I would say that in my heart ❤

I never want to get that much fluid on my heart lungs again it was the most ever I had experienced ***

It truly felt like I was drowning ! And I didn't even realize it !!!

My next follow up is just around the corner December 3. ♥🙏 I've been journaling my weight daily and meds and keeping track of fluids. I'm back into the routine of working out 🏋️‍♀️. 

Even momma says several times my tummy is going down flatter !! I was like really !? Lol I'm so happy if I can do cartwheels 🤸‍♀️ I would !!!

I'm back in the game with my trainer who comes to my home 🏡 for hour of stretching 🙆‍♀️ and working out!! 🏋️‍♀️.

***My Hope is Jesus ***

My sweet husband works long hours during the week I was so sick he was able to be home 3 days to take care of me. With my migraines and momma then when he had to work miss carol was there for both of us ! ♥🙏

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