Her childhood home is, no longer, in, existence, physically, but she'd, still, longed, to visit, the location, and, knowing that she will get disappointed, by the expectations she'd held, of the place in those memories of hers, we'd, delayed, taking her back…

Nothing left, to, go, to back, to, don't you know that?  Your childhood home does NOT exist in present day, I'd gone back a short while ago (why didn't you take me with???), and, it wasn't, as you'd, described it to me!

so close, yet too, far, away, isn't it??? Photo from online

Nothing left, to, go, back to, that place in your memories, it no longer, existed, the government urbanized those, old, flat houses, and, turned the area into, a more, modern place now, and that patch of green you'd, run wild and free on in your, childhood, no more too.  Nothing left, to, go, back to, but you'd, still, longed, to go, "home", but, this is, your home, you'd, lived here, since you came from your, original, hometown…

Nothing left, to, go, back to, that place is, no more, everything, is not the same as you'd, remembered it as!  Nothing left, to, go, back to, that place only existed now, and forever, in your, memories, and your memories, are, fading away, by the day too.

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