We have been in the process of getting a service dog for our little guy. Today, that dream felt much more real than I ever realized it could.

We had an interview today with The Service Dog Institute and Fox Carolina News! Fox Carolina was gracious enough to run our story and help bring awareness to what this can do for our family and to help other families realize there are options out there!

When we arrived we got to meet two pups, Jones and Parker. we were told that Jones would be going to a gentleman who has had a stroke and that Parker is not quite ready yet to go to a forever home because he still has a few months of training.

Nelson was so excited to get to see the doggies. He wanted to throw the tennis balls for them to fetch and then when they brought the ball back and jumped up, he would topple over and Parker would just keep nudging him with his nose. Nelson definitely isn't afraid of dogs, but he is pretty particular about the licking. I think it'll grow on him though.

During the interview, we were in for quite a surprise! Today was a little test for us since we were already going to be there to do a meet and greet with Parker to see if he and Nelson were a good match! It went so well that they told us they had picked Parker just for Nelson and he would be coming home with us once he is done with training!

I wish I had gotten pictures! I was so busy caught up in watching him with all the excitement that I just got lost in it and didn't even think about my camera.

We have to raise $11,500 in order to being Parker home when his training is done! So, we are doing fundraisers which are all 100% tax deductible because the funds go straight to The Service Dog Institute which is a 501(c)(3) non profit organization. The funds go directly back into the charity to help train, house, feed, buy toys, vet and anything else the pups would need until they are ready for the forever homes! The interview link I will post kind of makes it sound like this has already been taken care of, but I think there may have been some miscommunication because we definitely still have to raise those funds!

I will post the link for the interview and for the t-shirt fundraiser and the GoFund Me that has been created on Nelson's behalf. All funds will go directly to the charity and will not pass through us as you will be able to see on the fundraiser sites. This is to keep it clean and organized and it won't affect us getting his SSI because we will never have access to the funds so it won't be considered income for us.

Thank you for reading and for all of the support! Even if you are unable to donate, if you could share the links that would be amazing!


T-Shirt Fundraiser - Ends 11/21/2021. https://www.bonfire.com/paws-for-nelson/

GoFund Me https://gofund.me/2e683183

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