Okay, so you're attractive, rich, smart, and funny- but why are you still single?

People have different reasons why they're not in committed relationships, from fear of commitments to unrealistic expectations, the reasons are endless.

So we reached out to people and asked them to share reasons why they're still single and some of these responses will shock you, make you sad and make you choose wickedness.

I'm single because...

1. "The darn person I want to be committed to hoes left and right. Where are all the decent virgin men in the community? As soon as you find something that looks slightly good, other women have whisked them away. There should be a way to call proper dibs."

2. "Tbh, I'm a sucker for love but I've just lost the will. If I like you, I tell you. If you don't feel the same, I move. No one I have liked after my ex has liked me back and the ones that liked me, I didn't feel the same, unfortunately. Tough world."

3. "Because it seems nobody likes good guys anymore. Plus I'm just really tired of one-sided effort and understanding. I'm no longer willing to compromise for someone who isn't willing to compromise for me. It's lonely out here but I'd rather have that."

4. "I'm trying so much to be a hoe because good guys get f**ked over nowadays. But no matter how I say this is just cruise, I end up falling hard and getting hurt because I'm such a lover boy. It's annoying af though but we gon' keep trying."

5. "Trust issues, God knows I need help. With me, it's one strike and you're out and lately, I'm not even willing to try. I saw so much happen to my mum while growing up and I'm so scared now what if I let someone in and they end up hurting me..."

6. "My village people are banding on my head. I'm unlucky. Lemme just be catching cruise and be breaking people's hearts because men deserve wickedness."

7. "Streets are looking empty That aside, I'm also not earning enough to seriously consider finding a man. I barely bill my own father, so you can tell I don't expect my would-be partner to fund my life.
Broke people deserve love too sha which brings me back to reason one, I never see man.

Well, I kinda did, but then distance is a bastard. Back to square one.
Anyways, until I deal with sapa very well, I can't actively look for anybody's son.

P.S if you're reading this and you're a single man, at least 5'11, btw 22-26, believe in Jesus, fit, funny, and have a job then you should find your way to me."

8. "Too many beautiful women."

9. "My standards and expectations are quite high."

10. "I wouldn't wish my company on my worst enemy."

11. "Because I got tired of starting relationships I had no intention of seeing through to the end because I was lonely. I just can't afford to give what most people on the dating market are looking for."

12. "Every time I like a guy, they end up getting a relationship with one of my best friends. I don't know why…"

13. "Most men are sexist, lazy, expect women to do the bulk of the cleaning, and expect kudos for knowing how to clean dishes or cook a basic meal. Some men even put in their dating profiles 'will open jars for you' or 'can tie my own shoes'.

That's not cute, funny or endearing. I want to know your hobbies and that you're smart and have good values. That you're not homophobic or irresponsible with money . That you don't want kids but expect me to do all the emotional labour of raising them. I look at so many men and feel so relieved and happy not to be with them."

14. "Because relationships are quite expensive and right now I can't afford to spoil my man silly with gifts and trips. Also, I never want to feel like a burden to anyone. I don't want anyone having to pay for my meals when we go out on dates."

15. "Because first off I'm too shy to start a convo with a guy and on the odd chance it does happen I always end up ghosting because ultimately I'm afraid of how they would perceive me if they would hurt me and I'm just afraid."

16. "Because I'm a 25-year old that doesn't leave the house and tbh I'm fine with myself."

17. "My height. No one wants to date a short guy."

18. "I'm still in love with my ex. It's been a while (6 months) but I'd prefer to remain uninvolved while I get over it.

I've attempted to get out there more, and when I go to the bar girls talk to me, but in the end, I never get much farther than getting a number and trading texts for a day before I call it off because I know that even if they are into me, I can't reciprocate in earnest.

The ex is not an option either (anybody with an ex from a serious relationship can understand why)."

19. "Because I'm tired of being in relationships. Being in a relationship is a full-time job whether people realize that or not.

It's now become a mixture of a fear of commitment, not finding the right person, and just genuinely enjoying going off the grid for a week without having to consistently text/call somebody.

The moment it feels like work, that's the moment I hit the road. Pretty selfish and a bit cowardly, but I am the man I am."

20. "Because I can masturbate."

21. "Because men are wicked. Men will embarrass you and I hate embarrassment."

22. "I've always enjoyed being alone, being completely focused on doing things I love to do (mainly writing and recording music). I'm very passionate about it, plus I'm an introverted loner by nature.

Being with someone else gives me way less time for that, and that quickly makes me very frustrated and depressed. I lived together with a girl for five years and I hardly created anything during that period. That ultimately led to me suffering quite a big mental breakdown."

23. "Because I am a strong, independent, and empowered man and I need a girlfriend or a wife like a fish needs a bicycle. Because the juice is never worth the squeeze. As a man, I have to give up my freedom, my passions, my money, my time, and my emotions in exchange for one woman - That's just stupid.

Because everything women claim to provide can be obtained elsewhere for a far lower cost and far lower risk. I have no desire to have children. I can cook and clean by myself. I have male friends, family, and dogs for companionship. I have legal prostitutes and pornography for sexual satiation. Best part is that I can get access to all this without worrying about divorce, false rape accusations, domestic violence, etc. So what exactly do I need a girlfriend or a wife for?"

24. "I married the woman who cheated on me with my best friend. First mistake. Got a divorce. Ended up in another relationship where the girl was still texting her ex 3 months into our relationship. Second mistake. I'm tired of falling for dishonest women. So I haven't tried to be with anyone for almost a year now. Kind of lonely but better than being with a cheater."

25. "My fiance cheated on me twice and I did pick up on suspicious things she did. Broke it off and it was apparently my fault she slipped, tripped and landed on somebody else's dick. Fortunately, I am saving my money now and not having to wed that mistake."

*Word of advice: Streets are rough, humans are wicked, stay single till Jesus comes.

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