Good cop Bad Cop

No matter how much you love the little cute bundles, they seem on a mission to push your limits round the clock.

How do I  have to fight an able bodied human being to eat.

It's a battle to bath
It's a battle to leave the house
When he finally leaves, you would need the fire truck to being him back home.

Dear male kids, don't make a job of frustrating your mum, we had enough of that from your dad. So now you are going to behave, excel and be twice as nice as we won't watch you repeat negative history, else I am going back to my African roots and resurrection the good old rod.

Honestly, sometimes, I wish I could but all I do is pretend I am dying because they are stressing me out and they repent for all of a few minutes  😁😇

Can anyone relate with this?

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