This article is about one thing and one thing alone: Self love. Nothing is harder than having to admit it to ourselves when we don't love ourselves.

by Ghislaine t vode

I think that everyone should hear/know about self-love because to me, there is no deeper meaning to life than love. I have been a witness to what the lack of love can do to a person, to a family, to a community, a nation, and to the whole world. I have also seen what love can bring into the life of a broken person. I have seen even further, how love can begin before a person is even born; and how love can remain long after he/she is gone. Love can help you find who you are. It can bring that missing piece in your life, in your story; the one piece that you have been looking for. There is no shame in admitting to yourself that you need love in your life. The only shame is having to lie to yourself about the type of love that you deserve, and settling for something that in reality, isn't love.

First rule to love is you. You are at the center of the game. You are the most valuable player, the key word, the winning prize, the guardian of a seed that will grow to become a blossoming tree called love. Are you aware of it? When you love yourself, you thereby define the rules by which we are ready to grow love. You are planting the first seed of a tree that will produce fruits, depending on the quality of the seed that you have put in.

What does not grow in you, will not grow around you. When you say that you are ready to love, What are you really saying to yourself? I can't answer that question for you. But i can tell you that you are sending a clear signal to yourself that you are ready to cast a seed into the ground. You are also commiting yourself to doing what it takes to nurture that seed; to see it grow into a tree. And you are also willing and able to enjoy the fruits that come out of this tree, because you are expecting for the best to come out of it. All trees technically yield fruits. But not all trees yield the same fruit. You can determine the nature of the fruits you want to see grow by picking and choosing the type of seed that goes into the ground, into your heart. The only rules that apply to love are those that you make for yourself, and grow by everyday. Those rules determine the nature of the fruits that you expect to receive as an outcome. Know that you can choose the quality, you can improve on the relationship you want to have with yourself. But you can't always choose, or control, the quality of the relationships you want to have with others.

There is so much more to get to know about ourselves than we ever knew. Take for instance all the words you use to describe yourself today. They are only barely scratching the surface of what you really stand for, or what you are really  about.  Unfortunately , we believe,  too often, too easily what we are being called instead.  And unfortunately, we end up  acting the exact way others expect us to act, by calling us such (bad) names. There's a lot, so much more to cover on the subject. Have you been so busy showing a side of you that is not you to people?, has it become harder and harder for people to believe it  when they finally get to meet the real you?

Don't wait another moment, another day, another circumstance to be yourself. Being yourself is loving yourself.  Loving yourself does not make you a vulnerable, or naive, or selfish, person. Love is invisible. Love does not exist outside of the rules that we make for ourselves to define it. The only way to see love, to define it, is through the effects it has on you. There is no way to define love better than how you see yourself; how you treat yourself whether you are with, or without others.

Where can you find that seed called love? i'm glad you asked. You can find it in the seed that grew you into a tree. You can find it in your creator. In your source. The origin of your being. There is a deep connection between where we come from, and who we are. Research who you are by learning more about where you come from. Find out about The one that made you. The one that knows you and knows your story. The one that invested something in you and thereby made it possible for you to be here. Love comes from someone who nurtured us from the very beginning, and see it that we become who we are today. When that is not possible, when we lack that connection with our source, it can be hard to define (describe) what love means to us. There is no better love to receive from anyone but the person(s), who created you, brought you into this world; or treated you as such from the very beginning of your existence.

If you want to know what self love is, i want to encourage you. if you want to find out whether or not you really love yourself, and if love really exist, i want to encourage you even more. Don't take that natural, legitimate thirst for love in you lightly; no matter what people say. Here are few questions you can ask yourself to help you start. Notice the way that you treat yourself when you are with others. And compare it with the way you treat yourself when you are all by yourself. Do you see any difference, any discrepancies? Do you have any preference? Are those differences, preferences good, or bad?

Analyze the way you feel about yourself by questionning the motives that push you to seek love from others. Are you willing to take from others what they have to offer, without feeling the urge of "robbing" them (wanting it all for yourself alone)? In return, are you willing to give others what you have to offer, without feeling the urge of "robbing" yourself (taking everything you've got away, even the things you absolutely need for yourself, as a human being)? Are you willing to take from others just what you need, and leave some for others to enjoy too? are you willing to give others as much as they need, without robbing yourself of your fair share? Only you can answer these important questions by being completely transparent and honest, with yourself.

And this is only the beginning of the journey. But love begins with you. When you love yourself, you don' t have to abuse someone, before you know that you love them. And when you love yourself, they don't have to abuse you, before you know that they don't love you...

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