As a single mum, your family is often you first pillar of support. Close or distant, you are likely to reach out to them.dor comfort and maybe even guidance.

So what happens when your support pillar is a predator?

This is often quite difficult to deal with. The need for a shoulder would make you confide and eagerly follow advise that has more in it for the adviser thanks you.

It is extremely importance that you are aware and pay attention to your children's feedback on secondary caregivers. While it is true that kids can attempt exploit emotions, it is not strange for adults to exploit their innocence and the impact of a deceptive adult can be life changing for children.

My mum has brothers who have always been secretly hostile, but my mum would take their word against mine as a child, when I grew up and started fighting back, they were exposed but till date, I can't trust my to hold my side in a fight. It's not because she hates me but she is so traditional and believes in sacrificing to keep the family unit together.

As a single parent, you really need to consciously parent as people would attempt to underscore your effort and often justify it by saying they are been supportively, but be firm in defining the limits of support regardless of who is involved.

Encourage your child to speak up and don't ignore issues like a nagging relative, or and absent minded one . Especially if that trait is not what is exhibited to you.

Teach your child to be contented with available provisions. If you can't afford a birthday party but cooked up a storm for his birthday, he better be ready to flaunt it as much as if he gone to Disney's.

Always discuss the big picture with your kids. This might sound zĂ­skaly but it gives them fuel to keep going despite the negativity around them. I tell my kids my plans and they are able to just let people talk because they know they don't know our big plans .

You will be accused of coddling, over reacting and all manners of act when you stand up against hostile support. But be firm and define the relationship till it's accepted by all.

You will thank me for the peace that comes with it .

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