Seven Seas Entertainment has announced that it has acquired the license for the Dungeon People manga series by Sui Hutami. Searching for her lost father in a fantasy dungeon, master thief Clay meets the dungeon's caretaker to learn its secrets in this intriguing new manga.

Clay was trained by her father to be an expert member of the thieves' guild. Since her father disappeared three years ago, she's been using her skills to search for him in a dungeon filled with goblins, a Minotaur, and all manner of other dangerous creatures. When Clay reaches deeper than anyone ever has before, she meets the caretaker of the dungeon. To her surprise, Clay is invited to join the staff. And thus begins Clay's new job–to learn the inner workings and behind-the-scenes secrets of the dungeon from the inside.

Seven Seas will publish the Dungeon People manga series for the first time in North America in print and on digital platforms in single volume editions. Volume 1 will be released in July 2022 for $13.99 USA / $17.99 CAN.

Source: Seven Seas Entertainment

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