So, a General Manager of a company I know sent out an email to everyone in the company that said this (paraphrasing):

"As King of [company], I am banning the use of the word "struggle", because it's a negative word and there's no room for negativity here. First violation will receive a warning - the second is the guillotine."

As HR, this entire situation HURTS MY BRAIN.

  1. KING of [company]?? EXCUSE YOU.
  2. You can't just BAN the use of common words like "struggle" because they are "negative". You can certainly prohibit the use of profanity or derogatory and demeaning words, but STRUGGLE?? Are you for real?!
  3. You know what is already prohibited per policy is the use of THREATS, in communication. The reference toward the guillotine could be construed as harassment and creating a hostile work environment. You best watch yourself, "KING".

AGH, to anyone who is reading - PLEASE DON'T DO THIS SHIT.

I pray for that HR team.

Until next time,


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