Hey Everyone!

Weekends always seem to fly by, and of late, I have been exhausted way to early.

Yesterday, I went out and about. I needed to stop by my storage unit to drop a few things off. I also went to the mall, and went to the bath and body works. I stopped at home depot on the way home to pick up a few things.

Every time I go into home depot I am reminded of working there, and I can honestly say I don't miss it, and not staying was the right choice for me. As exhausting as it is, I am definitely in a better place for me, where I am at now. I am also glad that I made the switch over the summer from the last job I had as well. I don't necessarily want to be in corpoate retail / grocery forever, but for this phase of my life, I really can't complain about where I am at.

This time of year is always hectic and busy, this year is especially so. I am ready for life to calm down a bit, as I am not one who thrives on always busy and being on the go. I do need my down time.

I still can't believe that Thanksgiving is in a week from now, and that Christmas is 5 weeks away. With working in a Grocery Store now, the gear up isn't there. Yeah, we have gotten extra of certain things, and a few things on pallets that are for the different holidays, but we set them aside, as they haven't been our responsibility to actually stock or put out. I definitely love the consistency of my current job, and knowing what my shift will pretty much look like when I go into it, no matter what time of year it is.

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