This is, what we all are, by these, high-tech devices, and we'd all been, marked, without our being, aware that we are!  Tracked, and, there's nothing we can do 'bout it, because, as we turned off the GPS on our cellphones, it has the message of, "turning off the tracking GPS, you may not be able to track your phone if it gets lost!", and that made us, timid, think twice (or three, or four, even five times), before going ahead and shutting of that GPS tracker on our phones.

what we'd, become, dogs with, tracking device on the collars...

photo from online

And, every one of our moves is, kept tabs on, by these, programs, when you're not even aware of it, then, a bit later, you would get that update of the month e-mail from your google mail, that says: that place you visited from DD/MM/YYYY, however many people are giving it kudos!

And, you were SHOCKED, how the HELL did the computer know where I'd been, huh???

This is how, these, high-tech devices, tracks us, watches us, monitors, every single move we make, that's how government, keeps us, enslaved, and, feel free, to call me a conspiracy theorist, I know I'm not!

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