Unlike how from before, we can't get enough of the vaccines we are in need of, now, there's, an excess of it, and nobody wants to get vaccinated anymore, how O-D-D is that, huh???  And here's what the government does for the situations, off of the Front Page Sections, translated…

The vaccines are fulling to overflowing out in Taiwan right now, but, the government doesn't give out enough incentives to those who still had yet to get vaccinated to go get vaccinated, Taiwan is following U.S.'s footsteps in the reduction of vaccination for the population from back then.  The rate of vaccination had dropped to below seventy-percent, people are feeling, more secure right now, those who hadn't had their first vaccinations, thought they should just, not get vaccinated at all, because others are, protected, ignoring how fast the virus is mutating, and how there were the cases of those who got vaccinated with BNT and Moderna that's contracted the virus.  Those who were vaccinated, although their chances of falling seriously ill is reduced, but they're, carriers, those who'd never been vaccinated, may fall into that trap of "severely ill", and, contract the virus, which in turn, increase the fatality rates greatly.

As U.S. sees this happening, the government started giving off the incentives to the citizens who are willing to get vaccinated, even invited the movie stars to speak as spokesperson on the matter, so the citizens start taking their own safety and health more seriously.  The U.S. had already performed ONCE for Taiwan from before, how not being vaccinated can cause such dire consequence, while Taiwan continued to be blind to it, the Command Center didn't act, whenever the media press asked "if there are going to be the incentives given out for the vaccinations", the command center always replied, "what's that?" and, "is that necessary?" that feel of, "we could care LESS!"

this is what ht government SHOULD be dong, to protect ITS people...

matching the $$$s with the vaccinations that people don't want to receive...using what's paid for by our own, taxes...phoot from online

The enforcement of public sanitary policies are the hardest to enforce, from the theories to the application, it took us ten years.  As MERS-CoV hit the world communities hard, everybody is affected by it, and, it'd made the related public sanitation measures regarding MERS to get pushed faster.  And yet, it's the stagnation period of vaccination here, the government need to continue pushing forth the importance of vaccination, and using that "loud speaker", to tell people who are not apt to receive the new information, telling them the risks of getting vaccinated and not getting vaccinated clearly.

We all want to go back to a time when we didn't need to mask ourselves up, to NOT check to see how many contractions locally before we go out for work in the mornings.  To open up the country's gates, the most important would be getting everybody vaccinated.  And now, there's only, the "inactive" to be used to describe the Command Center's behaviors, whether it be assisting the citizens return here for the Chinese New Year's or to up the coverage rate of vaccinations, it'd gone, completely, soft.  But, toward the matter of party politics, it'd become, super hardened, but the checks the government made to the people, examining them closely enough, you'd find, that they will all, bounce.

And so, another score for IMPOTENCE of this god damn FUCKING (no need to pardon me here!) government here, from before, it couldn't get the vaccines in fast enough, and so many had already died, and now, we have shipments coming in, quicker, yet, the rates of vaccinations are, slowing down, why is that?  Because the government downplayed the importance of having people vaccinated, because the government, instead of focusing on the major things in our lives, they'd rather, put their attention on, giving out those, bullshitting, spending vouchers, making it feel like, wow, it's FREE money from the government that we'd received, and we ought to all be, very grateful, and dudes and dudettes, you DO realize, how the money we are receiving for these five-times vouchers, are still out of we, the taxpayers', pockets, right?  Yeah, and this government is still playing ALL "we the people" (and we are, still, the people, aren't we?  Or, did the ALIENS, take over???) for STUPID!

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