Hi! Hallo! Hola! Hej! Czesc! Salut! Ciao! こんにちは ! !السلام علیکم 안녕!

It's not a coincidence that I am taking up this topic. Since few days the women in Polish community are protesting under the password #anijednejwiecej since many woman have deceased due to doctors objection of proceeding with surgery while the childs heartbeat was still beating despite the chances of fetus survival in week 22 are pretty low. It has to do with the new regulations applied last year in the departments of Obstetrics and Gynaecology by the Constitutional Tribunal in Poland. Many women are forced to undergo surgeries overseas as abortions are illegal in Poland since last year. Unfortunately, not every woman has the resources to go overseas and proceed with the surgeries. What's most terrifying is that those woman that really wanted to keep the baby but has fallen for a medical misjudgement are forced to give birth to deceased children on their own, some losing their own life as their bodies are affected by sepsis triggered by the infection of having a dead body of a child inside them.

Those who are sitting in the seat of the Constitutional Tribunal probably did not think about those children which are healthy and would lose their mothers this way. What about childrens rights?! Do those children that are already born do not have rights to having a mother?! Did any of these people on high posts thought how it would affect the younger generations? Did they really think that this absurd regulation would stop people from undergoing abortions? There will be abortions, underground. Many women wil die, many children will become orphans or half orphans. What do you think will happen after? Psychological issues in youngsters will increase.

And let's make it clear. I'm not into abortions at all. But who is the Constitutional Tribunal to decide over my body and whetever I get to live to see my kids grow up or not ?! They could've made restrictions but not enirely objected the idea of abortion. I feel that the decision was made by a completely dumb person, it could be affected by personal feelings as well. I don't know but I hope these people won't be able to sleep at night. How can they ?! To me they are not better that Hitler that used to put people in gas chambers.

If they wanted to decrease the numbers of unwanted pregnancies they could've had more classes at schools about protection and the consequences of unprotected sex. Why make every women suffer for those that do not take life seriously ?!

Pregnancy will be always risky. Even a completely healthy woman can get pregnant with a sick child. A women body get affected by so many things. You cannot possibly enter every hormone of a woman. Let's not forget that the fruit of a child is semen injected by a man. If the man has some diseases the child and woman carrying it will be affected as well. Why do women need to pay the price of irresponsible men with their life ?! Why?! Why not instead make a health programme for men to check if their semen is healthy or not?! Why make a womans life a hell ?!

With that said I have only one thing to say #anijednejwiecej !

Thank you for reading and lets spread the support, love and care ❤ by tagging #anijednejwiecej on your posts, social media status and spreading the word around. Every women deserve to be owner of their own body.

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