Sunday, December 19, 2021

Become a WoMo champion and receive our fantastic Wellbeing box worth £90!


Help spread the word about positively evolving the workplace and receive wellbeing loveliness packaged just for you, the working mother! Here's how it works:
  1. Speak to your HR manager, boss, MD, CEO, Head of Diversity, Head of Rewards & Benefits, or whoever else you think is the most relevant person to speak to about supporting working mothers in the workplace.
  2. Tell them about the great work we are doing at WoMo.
  3. Ask them if they would be open to having a conversation about how WoMo could potentially help them:
    • increase the wellbeing and support for their women at work
    • improve the retention of their female talent
    • enhance the communication for working mothers through the maternity journey.
  4. Then please introduce us to them by email to
  5. As soon as we have had a conversation with someone you have referred, we will email you asking for your address to send you your wellbeing box.
It doesn't just need to be your employer. If you know of any other businesses or professionals who might benefit from talking to us, please make the introduction. We are not even asking that they sign up or do any work with us. Having a conversation and a meeting is enough for you to help us spread the word, and we would love to reward you for that.

What's in the box

  • Self-heating eye mask
  • Aromatherapy relaxation balm
  • Face mask
  • Biodegradable sanitising wipes
  • Postage paid gratitude postcard to send to a friend/colleague
  • Powerful goal setting guide for 2022 and reflection of 2021 achievements from The Performance Partnership
  • Note pad & pencil to journal goals
  • Liver detox elixir
  • Special Ludo discounted offer from Georgina Jackson-Sytner 

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate on contacting me.

Best wishes, 


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