Here's the argument of the side that's, pushing for approval of, American imported, PORK…

"The studies showed, even if you consumed 750 kilograms worth of pork and/or beef with ractopamine, you won't have any health problems, besides, this is the diluted by a hundred times regulations." Research also showed, that consumption of ractopamine does NOT cause cancer, nor would it have an effect on the unborn fetuses during the pregnancies, now would it have the residual chemicals remaining in our systems.  "If it's not lethal, then why are you against it?", the supporters continued stressing, the Asian diets consisted of internal organs, but, there are so many Asians living in America, and, they'd consumed the pork, and none had been found DEAD.  There are the American pregnant women, children, and the amount of ractopamine in their diets are, unmentionable, too tiny, to have any inkling of an effect on the human systems."

Lin stated, that the bronchodilator with one spray, has TEN kilograms worth pork with ractopamine in it, "then with one spray, I would've exceeded the amount of the chemical that is equivalent in a ton of pork, or of beef, this was not banned by other countries around the world."  The dosing is tens of thousand times comparing, beta receptors are naturally produced by the human bodies too, this is not a toxin, this toxin alone is not fatal, it's consuming too much of it that will cause fatalities."

Lin also made the example of botox, of how it's, deadly, that half a kilogram's worth is enough to kill the entire global population of man, but the plastic surgeons still used it to firm the skins.  Importing pork with ractopamine may not be the primary entry of our country into the worldwide organizations, but if we don't accept that there's a difference of dosage amount being allowed, "You don't have to consume it, but you should NOT block it from making Taiwan a part of the international trade relations."

And so, this, is the PRO import side, and I can think of, a whole lot of, more valid reasons on the anti-import side: first, the pork in U.S., has that stench to it when we lived in the U.S., we don't want to consume it, secondly, this IDIOT compared ractopamine with botox, that's totally different, because, even though both are toxins, but hey, one of them is being used in the plastic surgeon, and surely, there are the risks, but it's at the risks of the individuals, and importing of ractopamine isn't, you're putting this contaminated food into the plate of every citizen in the country, and having us digest poison, and you call that beneficial, because, hey, who gives a FUCK (don't pardon me here!) if you all died, so long as we, with the big hats, those of who are high up on the ladder of the government (the heads of states, etc., etc., etc.) get everything our ways.

Besides, this country is already a BITCH to Japan, importing their nuclear contaminated vegetables, and fruits, and every other country is dumping ITS unwanted SHIT on our grounds (those almost past-due date AZ vaccines that Japan donated, you think that's from kindness?  Think again, because they got better vaccines of Moderna, BioNTech, and there's the risk of blood clot for those, AZ vaccines that the country did NOT want to kill ITS people with, that's why, they were too generous, donating that to us!) and the government still does NOT see it, and now, it's going against we the people's wish, just to get the U.S. on our sides?  And, might I ask, how many of us are on this island???  Only, say, 'bout, twenty to thirty million, and, how many people are over there in China???  Wow, that's what???  More than, a BILLION, hello, hello, hello???  Anybody with a FUCKING working NEURON, can see that why we're, everybody's BITCH here!

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