December is here and while this is the month to be really joyful, Christmas is everyday in my life. God creates joyful situations in all of our lives everyday if we just open up our eyes and recognize all the wonderful blessings and gifts he sends our way on a daily basis.

With that being said, Homeschool Mommas and Homemakers this is the last month of 2021.

It is time to for us to re-evaluate what's been working in 2021 and what hasn't been working this year.

What are some of the things you need to improve in your life as it relates to your relationship with God, self-care, homeschooling, homemaking and if you are married, being a godly wife?

What are the things that really worked for you this year that you are going to take into 2022?

This year has been amazing for me! I am truly grateful for all the blessings that came into my life this year.

But I must be real, I did have somethings that were thrown at me this year but everything that was thrown at me made me a much better and stronger person.

There was nothing that was thrown at me that I didn't bounce back from and that was due to my relationship with God and staying in his presence until I got back in right standings in my emotions and my focus.

Homeschool Mommas and Homemakers, there will always be things and situations thrown in your path to get you distracted and off focus from your real purpose. A prayer life with the Heavenly Father is the key to to getting your emotions and focus back on track.

You need to recognize when something is a distraction. Distractions that shows up in your life, shows up to do 3 things,

  • 1. Stop you from fulfilling your purpose
  • 2. Cause you to be disoriented in your thoughts
  • 3. Cause you to feel like you can't focus on anything else but that distraction.

All distractions are sent to cause you to loose your focus and abort your purpose.

The scripture that comes to mind is 1Peter 5:7-10

8 Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour. Stand firm against him, and be strong in your faith.

9. Remember that your family of believers all over the world is going through the same kind of suffering you are.

10. In his kindness God called you to share in his eternal glory by means of Christ Jesus. So after you have suffered a little while, he will restore, support, and strengthen you, and he will place you on a firm foundation.

That is why you need to have systems and schedules in place to counteract any distractions. You need to know your own personal mission statement for your life, homeschool, marriage and homemaking so when distraction comes, you don't have to fall prey to it and allow it to detour your whole day. You can make minor adjustments and get back on track. I want you read my blog post on "Why Having a Misson Statemement Is Important?"

You have the whole month of December to rework what didn't work for you in 2021 and formulate new systems, plans and visions.

How can you improve on what was working for you in 2021? What are you dreaming for your life in 2022? What are you going to speak over yourself and your family in 2022? What will be a qoute or scripture that will be your driving force that will get you to the end of 2022. What is your color for 2022? What will be the vision for your family, self, marriage, homeschool and homemaking?

You will need to need to ask God in prayer for the answers and carefully consider what you ask to come into your life. Read my blog post on "2 Principles Homeschool Moms and Homemakers Needs To Handle The Daily Responsibilities Of Life" to get a better understanding of what I am talking about.

Words have power and words give life, so make sure you are using your words wisely in 2022. I have a blog post on "5 Spiritual Laws That Will Change Your Life if You Practice Them" and one of those spiritual laws is " The Law Of Your Confessions."

I am creating a course just for my Homeschool Mommas and Homemakers called The CEO CHRISTIAN HOMESCHOOL MOMMAS AND HOMEMAKERS BLUEPRINT COURSE.

This course is designed to help you do 5 things.

  • Make self-care a priority
  • Create a mission statement for your self, home, homeschool and family
  • Put your systems in place in your home and homeschool
  • Dominate clutter
  • Make homeschooling and Homemaking easy

If you want to get on the list for the release of this course subscribe to Christian Blog For Homeschool Moms and Homemakers.

I would love for us to connect, follow me on my social media links down below to get to know me better. Click here to follow me on Instagram. Until the next blog post stay beautiful!

Coach Angie!