Start With Why. This book is immensely amazing and the last chapter of this book is really a cherry on the top. There couldn't have been any better ending for such a amazing book.

This book tells you about how things becomes when you start with why. How people do things when they have a sense of purpose before starting anything. Your purpose should be the core of things you do. And you should be finding people who are having their purpose same as you and then with them you can achieve your purpose more easily and effectively.

This book is not only about people with a sense of purpose but also for people who know how to do things for achieving the purpose. And how they are equally important in the entire process.

I got some glimpses from this amazing book for you. So do read this book and keep following this blog for more insights / glimpse about books.

Let's start

We make assumptions about the world around us based on sometimes incomplete or false information

Start With Why, Chapter: Assume You Know, Page No : 11

We make decision based on what we think we know.

Start With Why, Chapter: Assume You Know, Page No : 11

Even though the outcome look the same, great leaders understand the value in the things we cannot see.

Start With Why, Chapter: Assume You Know, Page No : 15

There are only two ways you to influence human behaviour: you can manipulate it or you can inspire it.

Start With Why, Chapter: Carrots And Sticks, Page No : 16

Price is not a perfectly legitimate way of driving business, the challenge is staying profitable.

Start With Why, Chapter: Carrots And Sticks, Page No : 18

Whether it is "two for one" or "free toy inside", promotions are such common type of manipulations that we often forget that we're being manipulated in the first place.

Start With Why, Chapter: Carrots And Sticks, Page No : 19

Fear, real or perceived, is arguably the most powerful manipulation.

Start With Why, Chapter: Carrots And Sticks, Page No : 21

If fear motivates us to move away from something horrible, aspirational message tempts towards something desirable.

Start With Why, Chapter: Carrots And Sticks, Page No : 22

Aspirational messages can spur behaviour, but for most, it won't last.

Start With Why, Chapter: Carrots And Sticks, Page No : 23

When marketers report that a majority of population or group of experts prefers their product over another, they are attempting to sway the buyer to believing that whatever they are selling is better.

Start With Why, Chapter: Carrots And Sticks, Page No : 24

Peer pressure works not because the majority or experts are always right, but because we fear that we may be wrong.

Start With Why, Chapter: Carrots And Sticks, Page No : 24

Real innovation changes the course of industries or even society.

Start With Why, Chapter: Carrots And Sticks, Page No : 26

Feature are added in an attempt to differentiate, but not reinvent

Start With Why, Chapter: Carrots And Sticks, Page No : 26

Leadership requires people to stick with you through thick and thin. Leadership is the ability to rally people not for a single event, but for years.

Start With Why, Chapter: Carrots And Sticks, Page No : 28

The "Golden Circle" finds order and predictability in human behaviour. Put simply, it helps us understand why we do what we do.

Start With Why, Chapter: The Golden Circle, Page No : 38

This book is super amazing all the lines mentioned above are from first few pages only and this is the first part of this series. I am going to make more of this blog. I post my "Best Lines" blog every Monday 9 am. So stay tuned for another one.

Have a Great Day

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