Today the day went well. Strategy of creating another to-do list after completing the first one worked. Completed my to-do list before lunch and after that I created another one to work on. But some surprise work came and I had to keep my to-do list aside and started that work and also completed it. Completed in fully complete sense. Coded, deployed and also merged code in every solution.

So far it is going well. I actually started my new year resolution early and I am proud of my step. New year is not the only time to set new goals but what I can say is that it is a great time. Because everyone is setting goals and in that environment it is easy to start new. After that what really matters is, how long you can sustain it.

What I have done to sustain my habit is that I followed path mentioned in book called "Atomic Habit". This is immensely amazing book and in new year I am going to buy a physical copy of it. In this book you will get all the education about habits, which is required to build a habit and leave a habit. This book will also tell you about how your habit will compound in long run and you will become better everyday by doing minimal work.

So I really want you all to build a habit of reading books. I promise that you will get a lot of hope through books.

Today's learning: "Keep building good habits. You will see the change."

Have a Great Day

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