#52SlicesOfChingonaLife #52EssaysNextWave 21/52

I look straight ahead. Junk. I look to my left. Junk. To my right. Junk.

I try very hard to keep this house in order, the common spaces anyway. It's my "apartment" that is out of control. Out of control with clothes, shoes, little boxes, bags of things that "I will remember where I put this or that".

I don't put much of my stuff into the common areas and really need to purge my apartment of boxes, clothes, and things. I've already put the word out that all I want for Christmas is practical stuff: cleaning products, dental floss, soap, no junk, nothing that I will need to stack ANYWHERE, much less in my apartment.

I'm done. I hope. I have always been, shall we say, a collector of things. It's very scary for me to get rid of anything, always has been. Now, however, I am determined to make my apartment a sanctuary instead of the place all of these things "end up". My "yonque" is even affecting my sleep as I dream about clearing stuff out.

Where to start? Let's give this process a name...

According to the Cambridge Dictionary. Dejunking involves a gradual purging of all the stuff you don't need.

It will be Dejunking December for me. I'm actually getting nervous just writing this down. Dejunking my shelves, dejunking my tonelada of clothes, dejunking event boxes. Aaaaaaay. I will, most definitely, be documenting this/these event(s).

I want to get my house, or more specifically, my apartment, in order. A 'limpia' is what this place needs, literally. "Limpia" is both a spiritual cleansing and it also means to clean something. So it's all about doing the Sign of the Cross, channeling Marie Kondo and getting to work!

I have exactly 25 days.

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