Billie Jauss can't remember how many places she's lived or how many times her family has moved—she's married to pro baseball coach, Dave Jauss, and that's how that profession rolls. Billie's learned through 30 years of marriage that she can serve God wherever she lands, and she and her husband have made an effort to do just that. Billie has had great opportunities to teach her three sons that loving everyone equally is the way that God loves, no matter if they are a famous pitcher or the one who sweeps up after the game is over. 

Join me today to hear author, speaker, podcaster, Billie Jauss. 

Follow Billie at Start Small Believe Big,

We will be giving away Making Room: Doing Less So God Can Do More. Leave a comment to be entered!

She wrote this book for you if you feel like you're spiritually crashing. God hasn't given up on working in and through you.

Every believer experiences dry seasons—times when you're doing all the right things but feel painfully disconnected from God. Bible study? Check. Volunteer in ministry? Check. Daily quiet time? Check. But nothing seems to be working. Discouragement overwhelms you, and complacency sets in.

I hope you win!!


Read about Sue's topics and testimonials at


How to invest in what matters beyond ourselves. We have one life - let's make the most of it for God, others, and eternity.


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