Today momma had a busy Occupations Therapist!

It breaks my heart to watch mommy decline & more each day 💔💔🏡😢🥺😞 💔

Being mommas caregiver majority of time !

With my health heart failure I was super sick few months ago with 14 pounds of fluid I had the most ever before 💔😢 I am finally recovering slowly but surly the doctors of mine say I can no longer do this so finally it takes time we have help coming in !!!

Here's my mommy I'm so proud of her trying to do her best for her and me she always has been !!

Reaching her hand exercises !
Learning to get up and down !

This week she is learning to walk with her walker !!!

I know I'm my heart momma is declining very fast 💔💔💔🥺🙏 I know Jesus has protected us all these years together I know that for a fact !!! Momma brought me up going to church and church family means every thing to me !!

My aunt has seen a few nursing homes close by my home ! So I have a easy rout to get there ! I was taken by surprised but now I'm very okay with it !!! ❤😃 becuase it's harder for her to walk in the evening's!! Very hard I need someone with me every night till my husband gets home from work !!!

My desire for momma is for her to live longer of course but to pass away in her own bed 🛌 not so much in a nursing home 💔❤️‍🩹😘 but that's not gonna be realistic!!

I'm gonna be trusting in Jesus that he will carry us through these days challenges plus taking care of me ! "With my heart failure "

Looking at these places for momma will be a positive experience!! Momma can afford the nicer ones so that already puts me at ease saying it very lightly !! I am looking forward to seeing these places !

Thanks for being with me tonight dear readers please share with me your experience transition your loved one to a nursing care ! Would love to here from you !!! 😘💜

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