This is a season I embrace.

Albeit there was a time that it was BUSY!!! We literally had Christmases for a week or more, here and there, late nights, young kids, sugar and toys gallore.

We were burnt the fuck out!

After the "holidays" both us and the kids needed a holiday to literally do nothing.

Last year, Christmas 2020 was emotionally very hard for me. Everything changed and quite quick and drastically. Although I mourned not spending Christmas WITH our extended family members (honestly that's what rocked me...) we REALLY enjoyed the downtime!

A loved one shared this post with me thus morning. The link to the posts is below. This... holds so much truth!

Source -

This year especially, my nervous system is more than ever naturally winding down when it's dark. Many nights I've been able to honor this and I love love love going to bed early now in these fall and winter months.

Kind of like eating seasonally! I am leaning more into this as well and honoring my body. One thing I will say is that with everything there is a learning curve, even just shifting eating habits... be patient with yourself!

Be gentle, patient and kind to yourself!