Wednesday, January 12, 2022

2022 Goal Series: Health

Hey read,

Happy second week of 2022! Or is the third week? To be honest things have gotten at little crazy at work this week and it feels like it's been a month since the holiday.

Thanks goodness I'm rested and energized coming out of the break. I'm excited to talk about health goals today. Here's a hint about the focus of my health goals this year:

This year, my #1 fitness goal is to have FUN! I live in Colorado where I can have fun year-round. In warmer months, I love hiking, mountain biking and road biking. In the winter, I have a great time skiing and snowshoeing.

My other fitness goals are basically here to support my FUN goal:

  • Add some core and mountain-bike specific training to my existing lifting routine. I currently lift 5 days a week on a powerlifting program. No, I don't look like Arnold. I don't even like lifting. But it makes EVERYTHING easier so I do it. Recently I realized that my abs are kinda week, so I want to work on that this year.
  • Do slow-carb January. This is my adaption of the eating plan in Tim Ferriss's book, The Four Hour Body. Basically I eat: veggies, meat, beans, and eggs. I don't eat: sugar, bread, or fruit - except on Saturdays. One day a week you eat anything. I had gotten a little lazy with my diet over the second half of last year so this will be a good reset.
  • Maaayyyybe do a crazy event like an Xterra to celebrate my milestone birthday last year. Any fun ideas?

I'll also keep up my routine of running 3-4 days a week for maybe 20-30 minutes. This is my alone time and it's what has kept me sane throughout COVID. I won't give it up.

If you are looking for health ideas for yourself, check out my favorite health and fitness resolutions for parents. You'll see a lot of my 2022 goals reflected there for sure!

I'd love to hear from you. What are your health and fitness goals for the year? Remember, this is about supporting the life you want to lead - NOT about numbers on a scale.


Beth @ Parent Lightly

PS. Don't forget to email me if you're interested in 1:1 coaching. Right now, the topics are goal-setting and accountability. I love helping people, so if you want to get unstuck this year, reach out.

If that's more than you need, join us in the Facebook group for community and support!

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