Wednesday, January 19, 2022

2022 Goal Series: How to Stop Distractions

Hi read!

I heard from a lot of you that are you a "Type 2" when it comes to focus:

Type 2: I have a hard time focusing on my goals and important tasks. I get distracted by household chores and little things. Then I find myself at the end of the day and wonder what I really accomplished! Working from home is especially difficult for me because all of the household tasks are RIGHT THERE.

Today I wanted to share some ideas that I think can help you, as a Type 2, focus on what matters to you and tune out those distractions.

First step: Choose goals that matter to you.

So many times we choose goals that are kind of generic or don't REALLY matter to us. Sure, you can set a goal like "get healthy" but unless you're clear on what that means to you and why it matters, you will have trouble achieving that goal.

Your goals should be specific but also offer some flexibility. For example: instead of "get healthy" you could set a goal to exercise 3 times a week. This is specific but offers you flexibility unlike a goal of exercising every day.

Second step: Set yourself up for success

We all have great intentions. So often, though, the day's demands sweep away your best intentions and you don't make progress toward your goal. That's why I recommend using a few productivity techniques to help you focus: writing down your important tasks for the day and blocking time for them.

It can also help to break down your goals into very small, manageable bits. And you will be even more productive if you block your time strategically to take advantage of your energy throughout the day. For example, I have a goal to lift weights every weekday. I block time for this every day. My time block is usually in the afternoon or evening when I'm more tired mentally and need a break from thinking. On the other hand, morning is usually the best time to complete tasks that require thinking.

Want more details? Click here!

Next Steps

1) If you're a type 2, let me know if you've found anything that really helps you!

2) To discuss and engage in a community, don't forget to join our Facebook group.

3) If you want 1:1 feedback and support, please email me. I'm launching personalized coaching this year and would love to work with you.

Have a great rest of the week!


Beth @ Parent Lightly

Unsubscribe | 113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205

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