Now that we use credit cards to pay for coffees and ice cream cones, I've gotten used to seeing payment screens that show tip options. I consider these tips income transfers (from me to workers) rather than gratuities for services rendered. (Does scooping ice cream really require a tip?) Still, I was shocked recently when I used a credit card to pay for a carpet cleaning service and was shown tip options from five to 20 percent. It was uncomfortable to press "no tip" in front of the workers. But the service cost $700, so even a 10 percent tip would have raised the price significantly. I think these payment systems bully consumers. What do you think?

I have written on tipping before you can read about it here.  My thought process is the same, "tipping should depend on your relationship with the service provider and your budget. I am a firm believer one should never tip out of guilt, and you should always tip cash.  I, however, can relate to this individual, as I recently got a new sofa, and new blinds installed, and the workers were amazing.  Requesting to move artwork off the walls, so they would not damage it, being mindful of my chandelier, and putting on booties to not dirty up my stair runner, or markup my floors, I would of happily tipped them each $10, not a ton, but enough for a cup of coffee, or enough for a pizza pie lunch, and drinks if they combined their tips. Unfortunately, their employers did now allow them to accept tips. What is your philosophy on tipping?