If you have ever injured yourself because you were sleepy or you couldn't focus on your tasks then you may understand why having efficient sleep is so important. We are not computer's. Our brains are not "designed" for sleepless days. The more sleepless we get, the worse our condition will get as the brain is one of our core organs which can malfunction if it is not put to rest for at least few hours.

So if you wondered why you are getting chills on your body or why you keep forgetting things - the answer is you did not get enough of sleep.

If you have decided to keep yourself awake by drinking coffee or energy drinks - forget it or prepare yourself for a worsening of your condition as our brain will read those as poison, making us feel sick.

Why is it this way? Because our brain is responsible for sending signals to other parts of our body. If the liver or our kidneys don't get any signal from the brain then those cannot cleanse the body from the harmful substances in coffee and energy drinks and we will fall sick.

How do I know this all? Because I used to be that kid that would challenge itself and try to be invincible but only ended up becoming exhausted in class. I probably slept on most of my classes. I just did not have any energy. Now that I see my first born in the same condition I am not waiting for bad things to happen and make him sleep latest at 9.30 PM. Attending kindergarten in Stockholm created many new routines but these are not bad. They are just real. Waking up at 7 in the morning is not a tragedy. You can still feel well rested as long as you put your brain to rest early.

In conclusion, sleep can be adjusted. Don't let bad habits change your sleeping pattern. Be well rested and healthy to live your life to the fullest of your capacity. If you are a parent, make rules for how long they can use their tablets or watch TV. Don't let them stay up late. Be an example for them by sleeping early as well.

Thank you for reading !

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