The_Last_Revolution_Postcapitalist_ Futures_ver_x18FNL_18xa_1_18_22

The section on Virtual Revolution was moved to the midbook/end of Preface...Some readers may be unclear how to take the subject of revolution. But our pitch can be in multiple directions. By next year, if people start losing their ability to vote, the social contract becomes null and void and a revolutionary option is all that is left. That suggests the time is coming for the kind of perspective adopted here. It doesn't have to be as yet an actual revolutionary gesture but rather an attempt to consider 'what if'? And at that point, I consider that Marxism is a tired old horse that will trot out into the pasture for clover and refuse heavy loads. Marxists are stalled and we can do a lot better than Marxism at this point.

I think that the powers that be are counting on the passivity of most activists, and most of all that they will be non-violent, in which case they can be disregarded. Further, if enough stand at the limit line of 'virtual' revolution, starting to look seriously subversive, the dynamic of a stable system will start to shift. And the rising right could in fact succeed in shutting down democracy. They deserve a surprise.

Yesterday Jacobin had an article about the CIA and Nazi movements in Ukraine. The system we are dealing with is rhetoric out front, and insidious nasties in a, gosh, my preferred term, 'deep state'. I think fascism is far deeper than Trump and his followers: it has a global aspect. I discussed this many times on my blog The Gurdjieff Con.

The new edition is rapidly gaining 'extras' but is basically finished (guess).