I believe that I have already talked about my cats. If not, let me introduce you to Uma, 4 years old. She was a young mother, getting pregnant with less than 1 year in this world. Everybody says that's the reason why she's not as big as she should be.

I didn't want her at first. My neighbour found her when she was about four months old, alone in the streets. When she got pregnant I asked for one of the kittens, but when Grec, her son, came home my neighbour asked me if I could take care of the mum too. As much as she loves her and she tried to keep her, she's a dog person after all and adjusting to a cat at home wasn't easy for her. It took me some time to get used to her, to adapt to having again a dark female cat, still not completely recovered from labour; but at the end of the month she had enchanted me.

Now my neighbour takes care of both cats when I'm not home and I love having them both with me. Uma has become an important part of my life, even with all the visits to the vet, because her health's not perfect. And she's so so so so beautiful. I really love her, as it must be.

And she's such a good photo subject - when she wants.

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