Saturday, February 5, 2022

If you REALLY hate chores...

Hi read,

You might remember talking about Type 1 and Type 2 focus styles a few weeks ago. Well, today is for my Type 1 peeps! Here's a little reminder:

Type 1: I have a hard time getting chores done because I find them boring and unimportant. My house is a mess and I never have clean laundry. I let it all pile up because I'd much rather be working on my latest project or developing my career or spending time with my family.

If you (like me) are a Type 1, I recorded my best tips for actually getting chores done. As much as I hate them, I do feel better when I do the basics. This is how I make it happen:

  • Make it a habit
  • Distract myself with TV, audio books, podcasts
  • Focus on my why (I feel better with a reasonably tidy house)
  • Build in reasons to clean up (like friends coming over)
  • Outsource (I've had a house cleaner for over a decade)

For more ideas, read the full article here.

If you're a Type 1, let me know! We're pretty rare it seems. :)

Happy weekend,


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