On Tuesdays I write a post and then share on the TwoWritingTeachers blog.


I had taken a break from posting on the blog back in November because I had suffered an input overload which I didn't even think was possible. Since I posted last and shared there is a lot that has changed.

I have been part of this community for over 10 years and there are names I recognize on the Slice of Life post every week that I read and enjoy the glimpse into their education life. It is a rhythm I have come to rely on.

I am back to coaching this year and was in kindergarten this morning. The new reading curriculum has them studying Savannahs this week. The students love what they are learning. I work with the first group and then the teacher teaches a similar lesson with the second group. It is a system that works well and we are seeing growth in the children. The students wrote about elephants, zebras, yellow grass, and trees. They were so excited to share their sentences.

It was a long day of meetings and working with students. After school every Tuesday there is a staff meeting. Today I had another virtual meeting at 4:30 and then had to run to the store to pick up some essentials. Finally, I came home in the dark, just like I left in this morning.

The problem with today is that this is the first time I have come home from work to a quiet and dark apartment. My husband unexpectedly passed away at the beginning of January. Usually there would be a buzz of activity. He would have normally been in the kitchen finishing my dinner and full of smiles and kisses and hugs. He would have yelled down to me when he heard the door open. Today it was dark which made it worse and more jarring than I expected even though I knew he wouldn't be there.

The last two days have been better. I am starting to find a new rhythm of my own that looks similar to the pattern him and I had. I can cook, but haven't had to for almost 7 years. He took fantastic care of me. I have cooked more in the last 3 weeks then I have in the last 3 years, not counting Thanksgiving.

He would have asked me about my day and would have listened intently to the story of the kindergartners and what they wrote and how excited they were.

But today there was silence. There has been silence for over 3 weeks, but today it was more silent if that is even possible.

Today I missed him in a different way. I know that there will be days that are more difficult than others. I have to learn to adapt to change as I always do. We have all had to adapt more than expected over the last 2 years.

Tomorrow I will begin again and work with teachers and students and have meetings. Luckily, tomorrow I will come home when it is still light outside so hopefully I won't feel as alone.

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