Hello and good morning!

How was our week last week? Did you get a chance to catch last weeks blog! I will leave it linked down below!

I have not shared a lot about why I budget! The story behind it! The struggle and downs of it! Last weeks was a little story time of why I started to budget when I had!

This weeks I wanted to bring out some brightness to budgeting! There is many reasons why budgeting is often thought of as a long draining task! There is always the bright outline to it but, I find that it is ofter repeated of those top benefits! There is so much good things that come out of a good budget and many will have you always have a type of budget!

The reason, the drive behind ones reason for budgeting will change! With that the outcome will change too!

Budgeting is a lot like our routines! It will not always look the same for everyone!

Yes, the outline, the basics will be there and usually close to the same for almost everyone! The deep part of it all will be different because it is your budgeting!


When I had started thinking of budgeting it was not a positive inspiration! I knew it would pay off...... hopefully..... one day.... right?

I feel this is how many people start for feelings when they think of saving money! This is because you have made a life style that you like, or that maybe you striving for! If you live out side of your budgeting then it will add up, but we usually don't notice this until we are in too deep!

This doesn't have to be the case!

You don't need to be in deep to start saving money, and it does not have to be a horrible time consuming no fun time!

The bright side to budgeting is that its your budget! Its your goals and your savings!

The bright side is you can be in control of your money and not have your money control your life! It won't be forever however, I can tell you that when you actually start and you start seeing results and start having money again it can get to me fun almost addictive to see how much you can save!

It may turn into something that you will never stop budgeting or trying to save money, setting different money goals! Just like any goal when you get the hang of it it's worth it all in the end!

When it comes to setting your budget and goals you can set your own speed! Reach the finish line when you wanted to!

When I was pulling us out of a flipping butt load of debt I did it as fast as I could! This was HARD! Everyone was on a spending limit on really everything!

You want to know something tho! When I had a talk with my family about the money changes that were goin to be happening everyone was ok with it! Yes, there was some days where it was not much fun, it was hard and sad! But, I explained what we were doing and why!


After a couple years! YES a couple years my husband said that he wasn't sure how well it was working and maybe we should drop the "budget" and so you know what happened! I sat down with him and we re-looked at our debt! We checked in with ourselves if you will and you know what happened next? We kept going because looking at the debt that we had started with we were almost done already!

YES! You read that right we were almost out of our debt already! Now years sounds like a long time however remember we were in debt for THOUSANDS of dollars!

I remember opening our mail and looking at the statements and having such a overwhelming feeling of accomplishment! Like I said money is an addictive thing! I have never heard of someone who does not like money or who does not feel like they want more money!

The reality is the world revolves around money! This is a crappy aspect about being an adult but it is true!

When you find your budget and get comfy in it you will soon see just how much you may of been spending on well absolutely nothing!

These are things that I will be talking about throughout this money but, yes the reality is that probably half if not more of what you were spending your money on is nothing!

I hope you are getting excited about saving money this month!

I sure am!

If you are looking to save some money, maybe try to track your spending maybe, you are wanting to save for something new and exciting! I am here to say:


Lets get our money and budget under control!

I would love to have you come along with these money saving blogs this month! Make sure you follow the blog for LOTS of money saving tips and tricks!

I also have some other daily posts and tips over on facebook and instagram!

I will have links for them down below!





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