Thanks to everyone who came out to Larchmont for the first of many SNAPs Walking Tours in the South End!

We had a great turnout & appreciate everyone who showed up, with special thanks to our tour guide Chris Beale & partners from across the city for their support:

Kurtis Kingsolver, Public Works Director
Cailin Henley, Safe Routes to School Coordinator
Liz Kaster, Active Transportation Coordinator
Jordan Ennis, Larchmont District Green Infrastructure Project Manager
Andrew McConnico, Tacoma Green Schoolyards Project Manager
We learned a lot along the route from Larchmont Elementary to Pacific Avenue & up South 84th Street to McKinley Avenue about the complicated process involved in getting projects approved as well as the exciting upgrades coming to the Larchmont area thanks to partnerships like the Larchmont District Green Infrastructure and Tacoma Green Schoolyard projects.
Some of the upcoming projects planned for the Larchmont area include:
We're excited to keep adding to our neighborhood planning document, & we hope to see you at a future Walking Tour!
Walking Tours are on the Saturdays after our monthly SENCo General Meetings held on the first Monday of every month.
The next Walking Tour is Saturday, March 12 at 9am in the Fern Hill neighborhood. Stay tuned for details!