Investing  in those dreams that make your own dreams richer, fuller, is a great way to lead on your journey. Go where your support is needed, celebrated and welcome, and bring your story with you. Even when you can't change things, even when they keep happening the same frustrating way, you can still have an impact on how the bigger story is ultimately told. Just By giving.

Ghislaine T Vode

I want to share today about the power of giving …

Writing on this blog has brought me a lot since it started. You can only hope that your giving ( storytelling, teaching) will inspire other people, but you just never know what impact your giving can have on yourself. Let me tell you that i'm grateful. Winning can be lonely sometimes, but you can decide to be grateful to those who inspired you at the most critical moments in your journey. So i'm not taking it for granted.

But here's something i barely share…it's about how i prepare my posts. I always look back and reflect on some of the lessons i've learned at the oddest times in my life. There's a saying in Ivory Coast that goes "if you are losing at trying something new for the first time, you are not a loser. You  lose when you try the second time around and fail at it". Aka "you don't learn lessons very well. Not living to share, one way or another, what you' ve learned the first Time, or how you win,to me,  is like failing…for a second time. I must Say that i'm still here on this journey  because I always get inspired to give by givers; this is also true in my personal life too. 

I call givers those  people who directly or indirectly inspire me through their life stories to learn more, share more ang give more. People  who do ordinary things with extra power,  with extra impact, in the lives of other people (sometimes they may not even know that they are doing so) while leading on their own journeys. i always have my eyes open for them… Are you a giver ?
Congratulations if you are, you deserve to be celebrated. When  you pave the way for people coming after you, when Someone is now better and richer because of you; when someone takes the time to reflect on its own journey and remembers you; or does something  different that will get him or her ahead , just because of you, you are a giver. I have nothing to show for how grateful i am for people like that in my life.

Generosity is an attitude that saves lives. At the most critical moments in someone's journey,  It means something when somebody else would  rather have less and give you something, rather than wait until he or she has more for himself,  before s(he) actually gives. I had barely planned to share so much about my personal journey. But then it started growing in me, and became my weekly gift to you. And i ve realized  how much richer i am now, as i was also being giving to myself too. Knowlege is one of the few things i know that you can never run out of,  or lose, just by giving/ or sharing it. 

Giving open hearts. It opened mine. it is not just important to give when you are looking forward to changing other people's lives, or the world. it is also essential to give when you are eager to see change in  yourself. As for me, giving gives me enough power to reach out within me and see potential for giving even more. It also connects me to more people, and creates New ways to express myself. I have seen doors open, hearts open, visions restored. I have seen new resolutions taken and kept; and brand new beginnings getting started. Just by giving. If your giving does not change the way you see the world around you, please reconsider. That's why i choose to talk about it today. 

When you give to small dreamers, small businesses for intance, or causes or visions that you believe in,  you are also making a difference in your own life. I say that because a Small business  or vision is usually always about ordinary people, not machines or things.  some of us need people in their lives who believe in us especially when we are still small,  rather than people who are just willing and able to give what we ask later. (Tag someone who helped you believe in your own journey if you feel like me this morning)  If you still consider yourself small,  let me extend an invitation out to you: now is your timely opportunity to give.  Give when you are small, just because you are looking forward to grow. Become part of a bigger story than your own, and embrace a bigger story that connects you with other people. 

Investing  in those dreams that make your own dreams richer, fuller, is a great way to lead on your journey ; Go where your support is needed, celebrated and welcome, and bring your story with you. Even when you can't change things, even when they keep happening the same frustrating way, you can still have an impact on how the story is ultimately told. Just by giving.

Don't just be the one that speaks in your story : give a voice to other people just like you; who support or need your story; whether to exist(to be seen) or to become. Be a giver in public, or in private. A good giver/ storyteller enjoys giving, out of his own nature. When you are giving away a piece of your story, you are giving a seed that keeps growing. The story that keeps on giving is also the storyteller's first reward.

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