Dinner is one of the most important meals of the day. What you eat for dinner highly affects your sleep and health. Whether you're having a full meal or binge-watching at night, it is important to choose the right food.

Almost everyone today, young ones, or old age, seems to be struggling with getting enough sleep at night and say stress may be the reason for it, but sometimes, it's the meal you had before bedtime, not letting you sleep properly.

To maintain a healthy sleeping cycle, you need to consume the right vegetables that will provide some healthy nutrition.

These Are The Vegetables You Shouldn't Be Eating in Dinner

Vegetables are always considered to be a healthy choice. However, some veggies are not a suitable option for your dinner. Here we have curated a list of vegetables to avoid in dinner. Continue reading to find out which vegetables you need to avoid for a goodnight's sleep.

Beans and Brussel sprouts:

Certain meals are awful for your sleep. Vegetables like beans and Brussel sprouts contain a lot of fiber and can make it difficult to digest food. Your stomach will fill up with gas and even lead to stomach aches or cramping. These fiber-rich vegetables are good for your body in general but not for your sleep. If you suffer from Irritable Bowel Syndrome or IBS, you will benefit from avoiding fiber-rich vegetables. This means all the cramping, bloating, stomach aches, and diarrhea will be gone.

Broccoli and Cauliflower:

Cauliflower and Broccoli are some of the super healthy vegetables for your body, but it's suggested that you should avoid eating them for dinner. Both of these vegetables can negatively impact your ability to sleep. This happens because your body will continue to digest all the food while you are trying to fall asleep. Lack of sleep can lead to digestive problems. Hence, it is advisable to eat them earlier at lunchtime, so your body has enough time to digest these vegetables before you lay down for the night.


Potatoes are not at all ideal for dinner meals. When consumed at night, this starchy vegetable can cause an increase in the blood sugar level and in the insulin of the blood. This happens because potatoes metabolize into sugar and are not turned into energy. This will stay inside your body in the form of fat and cause disruptions in your weight goals as well as sleep.

Sweet potatoes are also not a great choice for people with kidney problems. Your kidneys will struggle to get rid of those elements from the bloodstream.

Tomato-based meals:

Tomatoes, tomato sauce, or any tomato-based meal should be avoided before bedtime. The presence of Tyramine, a type of Amino Acid, tends to increase the activities of the brain, which in turn delays sleep. It also has a high amount of vitamin C, which can cause acidity and heartburn along with digestion problems. You might get a burning sensation when you wake up the next day. Tomato sauce or ketchup is equally acidic. It also includes a lot of preservatives and chemicals that make it a bad option for dinner.

Hot peppers and Chillies:

Spicy foods are known to cause multiple problems at night. Apart from irritating your stomach, vegetables like hot peppers and chili can cause heartburn and make you feel hot. When your body temperature gets a boost, you are likely to stay for a long time. Chilies can trigger gastroesophageal reflux or GERD. It leads to increased metabolism and gives your body a wake-up call.

Raw onions:

Onions before bedtime can cause a lot of gas and affect the pressure in your stomach. This will lead to the acid entering the back of your throat. It will not be a comfortable feeling while you're trying to sleep. Your body can go through a lot of reflux and even lead to heartburn because of raw onions.


Avoid foods with high water content. These include vegetables like Celery. Apart from drinking water the whole day, the water content from Celery can lead to a full bladder easily. This means you will have to get up in the middle of your sleep. This can disrupt your sleeping schedule and leave you tired the next day.

Canned peas and corns:

People who try to control their daily sodium intake should avoid eating canned vegetables. High sodium content can cause hypertension or heart disease. Canned vegetables like peas or corn contain a lot of sodium or salt in them. Whether you have high blood pressure or not, staying away from canned veggies is suggested. At the same time, frozen peas are good to go.


Some people experience a cooked-cabbage smell from their urine. This mostly happens because of eating asparagus. Your digestive system might fail to break down the molecules of asparagus. The sulphuric compounds that your body fails to digest lead to a bad smell.


Carrots are one of the diuretic vegetables that will cause a full bladder in the middle of the night. Apart from this, you might find orange urine because of carrots. The beta-carotene molecules that are present in carrots are known to block the absorption of Vitamin A. This vitamin A is actually essential for the immune function and metabolism of the body.

It is important to understand how your food habits can affect your health. These vegetables, when consumed close to bedtime, can have a negative effect on your sleep. While making dinner the next day, follow this list of vegetables to avoid in dinner.

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