Today is Sunday! Meet at your house of Worship! Join me as I teach a Bible Study at 10:00 facebook live or for Worship 11:00 #ChestnutRidgeBaptistChurch

Lent Day 19

What is Fasting? By now you have fasted 19 days. Is it difficult? Have you wanted to cheat?

Jesus fasted! He did not eat for 40 days or 40 nights. He walked in the desert to be with God His Father! Satan attacked! Jesus fought back with the Scriptures, the Word of God, is quoted to combat satan's accusation.

Fasting is saying no to the flesh and yes to the Spirit of God! As we deny our flesh we actually become more aware of the Holy Spirit and God's presence in our life! Jesus walked in the presence of His Father. He rebuked satan. Jesus is our example.

Today is the Sabbath, deliberately make time to spend in His Word! Be Still, Listen! You will hear God speaking to your heart!

Join me as I fast. Walk with me as I take this Journey of Hope for the next 40 days!

There is #AlwaysHope

#NeverGiveUp #HopeForTheHurting



#WhoAmITrusting #HeRestoresMySoul #GodAnointsMyHeadWithOil #YouAreNotAlone #Emanuel #GodWithUs #FeelingAlone

#JourneyOfHopeThroughLent #PowerOfTheResurrection #Lent #JesusDiedForYou #CatholicsFast #WhyDoCatholicsFast #DrawCloseDuringLent #WalkInHopeOfThingsToCome

