This is still, a, RE-action, to the, adult parents', "desires" of the child…

I'm compelled to NEED, my ADHD, because, only when I have it, my mom will, shower me with, all the attention, and dad won't, demand that I make straight A's.

Compelled to NEED, my ADHD, because we all know, how the world expects less of children with, special needs, and, if I keep on, faking these symptoms, I'll get off, easy.  Compelled to NEED, my ADHD, it's the only thing that's, keeping them from, going AT one another's throats, because, my ADHD, when it acts up, well, everybody comes to shower me, with, all of their, undivided attention.

Psychologically, I, enjoy the undivided attention, the showers of extravagant gifts if I get a point higher on my school test grades, but that's all, added extras.  I'm compelled, to NEED my, ADHD, primary because it keeps my parents' anger off of each other (or they'll be going AFTER one another throats, and I will surely, end up as, an orphan that's for sure!), so they can, direct their attention, towards ME.

As I am, the MEDIATOR, had always been, in their, marriage, and, if I don't' use this "mental condition" to my ability, then, what good is it???

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