NEXT, on the list, to get, "fixed"!  Oh wow, it's, US………

We are a country, neutered, because the government's made the people here, into, the REST of the KNOWN world's BITCH.  They'd already, forcibly passed that importing order of pork with ractopamine from the U.S., the nuclear contaminated produces from Japan, and, allowed the more advanced countries to DUMP their nuclear wastes into our oceans.

it's, like, this...

photo from online

A country, neutered, and, it's not of its own, choosing, because who the #$%@ would want to, get NEUTERED (I mean, unless you're a male pet, without any choices, and in which case, neutering you, is for the sake of "population control", as we don't need that many, mixed puppies in the shelter systems right now).  A country, neutered, and, there's, nothing we can do, to REVERSE, this process, as, the fixing of us (as a whole), can't be, reversed, once we'd become, everybody's BITCH, we are, EVERYBODY's, B-I-T-C-H.

There's no way 'round this…