Written by the Department for Work and Pensions

Inclusive Britain: government response to the Commission on Race and Ethnic Disparities

On 17 March 2022, the Government published "Inclusive Britain" its response to the March 2021 report by the Commission on Race and Ethnic Disparities. "Inclusive Britain" sets out over 70 actions in response to the Commission's recommendations, grouped under 3 main themes: trust and fairness, opportunity and agency, and inclusion. Together, these actions set out an inclusion strategy for Britain. The Department for Work and Pensions are taking forward action on progression out of low pay and working with the Department for Education to open up access to apprenticeships. Read the report Inclusive Britain: government response to the Commission on Race and Ethnic Disparities.

New jobs mission to get 500,000 into work

A new target to move half a million people into jobs by the end of June launched 27 January under ambitious government plans to turbo-charge our national recovery from COVID-19.

As we move out of the pandemic, with restrictions lifted and life returning to normal, the 'Way to Work' campaign will focus on getting job-ready people off Universal Credit and into work, rapidly filling vacancies which are at a record high. To find out more, read New jobs mission to get 500,000 into work.

150 new jobcentres and Youth Hubs now open

From February 2022, thousands more jobseekers can now access tailored face-to-face job support and meet local employers as 150 new jobcentres are opened, levelling up opportunities across the country.

These will be at the heart of the government's Way to Work Campaign to encourage more people across Great Britain into jobs. Towns and cities from Falkirk to Torquay are now home to over 150 new temporary jobcentres and over 150 Youth Hubs, with more to follow, as the government pledges to get 500,000 people a job by the end of June. Read 150 new jobcentres and Youth Hubs now open.

Find training and employment schemes for your business

A range of government programmes, are available for employers who are considering hiring employees, offering work experience, or upskilling existing staff, some of which offer financial incentives. Read Find training and employment schemes for your business.

Nearly half of FTSE 350 firms now have BAME directors

123 of the largest listed companies have appointed a director of colour on their boards, up from 59 last year.

The number of FTSE 350 companies with a director of colour has jumped 108% over the past year, as companies face greater pressure to increase diversity across top leadership roles. Read Nearly half of FTSE 350 firms now have BAME directors.